A COUPLE who breached an injunction placed on them by Barnsley Council for engaging in antisocial behaviour face jail.

Craig and Tracey Marshall, of Ilsley Road, Barnsley, did not appear at Barnsley Magistrates’ Court at the hearing on Wednesday but their offences were still heard and they were ordered to pay costs of £644.

They are both wanted by police after Tracey, 45, received six weeks’ custody for four proven breaches while her 49-year-old husband received a 14-day sentence for two breaches.

Coun Jenny Platts, cabinet spokesperson for communities, said: “We want to make sure that our residents can enjoy living in Barnsley and their lives should not be affected by antisocial behaviour from neighbours.

“Our thanks go to Berneslai Homes, who we continue to work in partnership with to act upon the concerns of any residents, and our Safer Neighbourhood Service team, who will continue to tackle antisocial behaviour and crime in order to make our borough safer.

“Any residents with concerns or information about antisocial behaviour incidents should contact the safer neighbourhood team by emailing safer@barnsley.gov.uk.”