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GB Energy plans could save Barnsley households hundreds
THE government’s new proposal for a publicly-owned energy company could cut average household bills by £300 a year – a relief to the 19,642 households in Barnsley living in fuel poverty.
Plans for GB Energy – a new clean energy company – were presented at Wednesday’s King’s Speech.
A think-tank called Ember reported that this will save households £300 per year, a much needed change for the people of Barnsley after it was...
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Vaccine call amid rise in Barnsley whooping cough cases
LOCALS are being encouraged to get their children vaccinated with suspected cases of whooping cough on the rise locally.
Whooping cough is a bacterial infection of the lungs and breathing tubes.
It spreads very easily and can sometimes cause serious problems.
The latest figures sent to the UKSHA by GPs suggests there have been 58 cases in Barnsley so far this year - including four this week.
William Roberts, chief executive...
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Vaccine reminder for students
STUDENTS in Barnsley are being encouraged to check their vaccines are up to date during the summer before they head off to university.
The MenACWY vaccine – which helps protect against illnesses like meningitis and sepsis – is routinely offered to those in school years nine and ten but some students will have missed or chosen not to have it at that time.
It’s not too late, anyone who has missed out can...
Main image for Skills and employability advice on offer at event
Skills and employability advice on offer at event
AN EVENT later this month is offering help to those who are interested in learning something new, finding a job, or getting involved in your community.
Planned for Tuesday July 30, from 10am to 2pm, at Athersley Roundhouse Library, the council’s team of advisors and partners will be on hand to help residents explore options for learning, training, work and volunteering.
Everyone is welcome to attend the event, no matter your background or...
Main image for Foodbank appeals for voluntary trustees
Foodbank appeals for voluntary trustees
BARNSLEY Foodbank Partnership is asking for people to come forward to join its growing trustee board.
The volunteer role will support the foodbank in helping thousands of residents across the town.
A spokesperson said: “We’re looking for people with a passion for making a difference to their community and who can bring some amazing skills to the table as we continue to move forward.
“You will ideally have experience with funding work,...
Main image for Contraceptive pill now available without appointment
Contraceptive pill now available without appointment
WOMEN in Barnsley are now able to get the contraceptive pill free at their local pharmacy without needing to contact their GP first.
Community pharmacies across the area are offering the new service for the first time, increasing choice for women in the ways in which they can access contraception.
Anyone needing the pill can access it through participating pharmacies without a referral from their GP, though they can be referred by their general practice...
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Foster care drop-in events planned
LOCALS who have considered becoming a foster carer are being encouraged to attend one of the council’s drop-in events.
The next event will take place at Barnsley Markets on July 18, followed by a number of events at Ladywood Primary School and Wigfield Farm.
A council spokesperson said: “Throughout July our friendly fostering team are running drop-in information sessions.
“If you’ve considered becoming a foster carer, pop along for a chat with...
Main image for Recycle reminder for vape users
Recycle reminder for vape users
RESIDENTS are being reminded to not put batteries and vapes into their grey bins by council bosses.
Instead, people are asked to hand their vapes into the store they bought it from so they can recycle it.
A spokesperson said: “Batteries and vapes don’t belong in your grey bin.
“They can cause fires and are a danger risk to our crews, so they should be recycled correctly.
“Visit one of our...
Main image for Last chance to apply for voter ID
Last chance to apply for voter ID
TODAY at 5pm is the deadline to apply for free voter ID for next week’s general election.
If you're voting at a polling station you'll need to take along photo ID.
Accepted forms of ID include a passport, national identity card, full or provisional driving licence, blue badge, older person's bus pass or disabled person's bus pass.
You'll still be able to use an expired ID as long as you're recognisable in...
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Church offers support with food bank
A NEW foodbank at Gateway Church is offering a range of support to locals.
The HUB is open every Thursday from 11am to 1pm at Mottram Hall, providing support for people in need.
Volunteers hope to provide more than just advice, as they offer events, workshops and introductions to new hobbies.
HUB co-ordinator Stephanie Aplin-Wakefield said: “Its purpose is to provide cohesion to a range of local agencies and ministries at Gateway...
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Tips to avoid ‘smear fear’ in cancer screening awareness week
NERVOUSNESS, embarrassment and anxiety are among the reasons almost one in three women don’t attend their routine appointment for a smear test which is a vital check for cervical cancer.
Concern about the procedure is a common cause of ‘Smear fear’ and the theme of national Cervical Screening Awareness Week running until Sunday, which aims to reassure women that they are not alone and offer tips to help overcome those fears.
Dr Steph Edgar,...
Main image for Cancer support event offers advice and signposting
Cancer support event offers advice and signposting
A CANCER support event will take place at Shaw Lane Sports Club next month.
Taking place on Thursday, July 11 between 10am and 3pm, residents are being encouraged to come along and seek help if they need to.
The event, which has been organised as part of the Take Action Live Longer campaign, has been funded via Barnsley CVS, Barnsley Council and the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board.
It aims to offer...
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Changes announced at Barnsley Archives
BARNSLEY Archives and Local Studies – based in the town hall – now have new opening times.
The service will be closed on Mondays and Fridays.
The new opening hours will provide researchers extra time for research on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, outside traditional opening times.
It will be open on Tuesdays between 9.30am and 12.45pm, and then between 1.30pm and 6pm.
On Wednesdays and Thursdays it will be open between...
Main image for Charity on lookout for new Barnsley volunteers
Charity on lookout for new Barnsley volunteers
HEALTHWATCH Barnsley bosses are on the lookout for new volunteers.
As part of Volunteers’ Week, the charity has announced new opportunities for those wishing to get involved with social care in Barnsley.
The charity is looking for new members to join its advisory group, which would be best for anyone who has experienced being a patient, service user or caregiver and a chair for the group with strong leadership skills.
More information...
Main image for Local charities seeking volunteers
Local charities seeking volunteers
A LOCAL dementia support service are on the lookout for volunteers.
Barnsley Independent Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support (BIADS) run weekly support groups for those who need it.
They’re asking for volunteers to help their Tuesday activity sessions for just a few hours each week.
A spokesperson said: “These sessions provide various activities for people with dementia and as a volunteer your will provide support, encouragement and companionship on a one-to-one basis.
Main image for Defibrillator training courses offered
Defibrillator training courses offered
YORKSHIRE Ambulance Service are set to deliver two defibrillator training sessions next month.
The first will take place on Wednesday, July 24 and the second on Saturday, July 27.
Residents from Cudworth, Monk Bretton, Royston and the North East wards are being encouraged to take part.
Email joannesmith1@barnsley.gov.uk for more information and to book your place.
Main image for Final call for spring Covid booster
Final call for spring Covid booster
HEALTH bosses in Barnsley are encouraging residents to get their spring Covid booster jabs before the end of the month.
The latest weekly figures show that over 3.6 million people have taken up the offer since April when the spring campaign was launched, including nearly two thirds of care home residents in England.
Anyone currently aged 75 and over, or who will be aged 75 by June 30, is able to get the...
Match of the Day host and former England striker Gary Lineker helped launch this year’s campaign.
Play your part in The Big Help Out and count the butterflies
WILDLIFE lovers are being urged to join a day of discovering and counting butterflies in the grounds of a National Trust castle in Barnsley as part of a national day of volunteering.
Volunteers have been asked to go along to Wentworth Castle between 11am and 3pm on Saturday and record the number of butterflies they spot whilst wandering around the gardens and parkland as part of The Big Help Out.
By noting how...
Main image for Residents urged to look after their teeth amid high levels of decay
Residents urged to look after their teeth amid high levels of decay
BARNSLEY people are being encouraged take care of their oral health to give them a healthy smile and prevent tooth decay and gum disease as part of National Smile Month which is taking place until June 13.
As part of the month-long campaign, health experts across South Yorkshire are supporting the Oral Health Foundation charity in raising awareness of the importance of having a healthy mouth and smile.
Taking good care of our...
Main image for Hunt on for new parish councillor
Hunt on for new parish councillor
A NEW parish councillor is being sought in Shafton.
Shafton Parish Council announced a vacancy this week and appealed to locals to get involved.
A spokesperson said: “This is a voluntary, unpaid role – if you would like to make a difference and be involved of shaping the future of your local community, why not step forward and apply to fill the role?
“We’d like to see someone who as local knowledge,...
Main image for Survey to gather views on community mental health
Survey to gather views on community mental health
RESIDENTS in Barnsley could be asked to take part in a survey regarding community mental health.
The South West Yorkshire NHS Partnership Trust carry out the survey to understand what patients think about their care.
Last year, almost 15,000 people took part in the survey which helped the trust improve the quality of care they offer.
A spokesperson for the trust said: “Participation is voluntary and all answers are confidential.
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Lottery on the hunt for Barnsley 'game changers'
BARNSLEY’S ‘game changers’ are being encouraged to apply for National Lottery grants.
Since the first draw was held in November 1994, more than £101m has been awarded to good causes in Barnsley through 1,764 individual grants.
As part of the National Lottery’s 30th birthday celebrations, they are on the hunt for 30 people who have done extraordinary things over the last three decades.
Jonathan Tuchner, from the National Lottery, added: “Since it...
Main image for Tenants' opinions sought in survey
Tenants' opinions sought in survey
BERNESLAI Homes’ tenants are being invited to take part in a survey.
A total of 1,750 tenants will be asked to complete the annual satisfaction survey which helps the company understand how they can improve their services.
A spokesperson said: “The survey contains the tenant satisfaction measures that the Regulator of Social Housing has introduced.
“At the end of every financial year we, along with all other social housing landlords, will publish...
Main image for New campaign highlights impact of smoking on mental health
New campaign highlights impact of smoking on mental health
BARNSLEY Council has joined local health bosses in launching a new campaign to make residents aware of the impact smoking has on mental health.
The new ‘Smokefree Starts’ campaign aims to help everyone understand the impact smoking has on your mental health and encourage smokers to give quitting a go.
Tobacco remains one of the most preventable causes of ill health, disability and death, with at least 16,000 hospital admissions every year in...
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Animal rescue plans charity night
A CHARITY night in aid of Barnsley Animal Rescue Charity will take place next month.
It will be held on June 7 at Rotherham United’s New York Stadium – and medium Linda Sheppard will be on hand to speak with those in attendance.
A raffle will also be drawn on the night, with all the funds being sent to BARC.
Joan Jenkinson, who has helped support the event, said: “BARC have been...
Main image for Prescription reminder ahead of bank holiday
Prescription reminder ahead of bank holiday
HEALTH bosses in Barnsley are urging locals to ensure they have ordered their prescriptions ahead of the spring bank holiday weekend.
Over the bank holidays, many community pharmacies and all GP surgeries will be closed, so the advice is to plan ahead and order repeat prescriptions as soon as possible before the start of the long weekend.
Dr David Crichton, medical officer of NHS South Yorkshire said: “We are asking that you help...
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Ward Alliance funding revealed
THE amount of money each ward alliance in the Central ward of Barnsley have to spend over the next year has been revealed.
Each ward alliance is handed an allocation of £10,000 each year, though they also bring forward any unspent cash from the previous 12-month period.
The Central Ward Alliance brought over a total of £8,832 meaning they have more than £18,000 to spend on community groups and projects.
They have...
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Bid to improve dementia diagnosis rates
HEALTH bosses across Barnsley are encouraging people to ‘act on dementia’ in a bid to improve diagnosis rates.
Dementia is a progressive condition that impacts memory, thinking, behaviour, and the ability to perform everyday tasks.
There are more than 100 known types of dementia. The most common are Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Various factors increase the risk of someone developing dementia.
Dr David Crichton, medical officer at NHS South Yorkshire, said:...
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Charity offers free microchipping to help local cat owners
ROYSTON Animal Welfare is donating funds to provide free microchipping ahead of a new law coming into effect which makes it compulsory for cats to be chipped.
The legislation comes in on June 9 and RAW is working with Churchfield Vets to help local cat owners.
Open to everyone, the appointments will be between 9am and 4pm on Mondays and Tuesdays until the end of May.
A donation of £5 would be...
Main image for New night-time safe space to be created
New night-time safe space to be created
A NEW safe space will be set up in the town centre as part of the council’s work around violence against women and girls.
The space will be open between the hours of 10pm and 4am on a Friday and Saturday night, though no venue has yet been confirmed.
It’s hoped the safe space will improve the safety of women within the night-time economy – though it will be open for anyone who...
Main image for Commission aims to help Barnsley residents get into  work
Commission aims to help Barnsley residents get into work
BARNSLEY Council’s ruling cabinet members will discuss the best ways to get residents into work at a meeting in July.
The Pathways to Work commission aims to pave the way for solutions to the barriers that people face when trying to get into work.
A council spokesperson said: “Barnsley residents are 12 per cent more likely to be economically inactive than the national average. This is different to unemployment.
“It means that...
Main image for Funding opportunity for mental health support groups
Funding opportunity for mental health support groups
GROUPS in Barnsley have the chance to apply to an innovative funding scheme which awards grants to tackle and prevent mental ill-health through nature connection.
Groups in Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield can apply for up to £7,500 from South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation (SYCF).
The South Yorkshire Green Social Prescribing Grants Programme, which is being delivered in partnership with the NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust and many...
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Council announces changes to social care emergency duty service
BARNSLEY Council’s social care emergency duty team will be adopting a new way of working from today in a bid to support residents around the clock.
The team has been a joint service covering both adult and children’s social care, supporting those with urgent needs at night, weekends and on bank holidays.
Following an inspection in May 2022, a comprehensive review of the council’s emergency service has been carried out.
The review...
Main image for Oakwell apprenticeship event
Oakwell apprenticeship event
BARNSLEY Council is hosting an apprenticeship event at Oakwell next month.
Taking place between 4pm and 7pm on Tuesday, June 18, those interested will be able to learn how apprenticeships work.
Matt O’Neill, executive director for growth and sustainability, said: “Apprenticeships are a fantastic option to consider.
“They can help people to get started and progress at work, while gaining nationally recognised qualifications.
“If you have an interest in learning more...
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Barnsley police host pop-up station
POLICE will host a series of pop-up stations in Barnsley town centre next week.
Residents who have been impacted by crime in their area have been invited to air their concerns to officers and can do so anonymously.
Three events have been scheduled to take place, each of which will last for an hour-and-a-half.
They will be at the Glass Works at 1pm on Tuesday, Library @ the Lightbox on Wednesday at...

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