Darton Primary School pupils learnt lifesaving skills as part of a safety training week where they unveiled a new defibrillator.
Organised with South Yorkshire Police, the focus week saw officers working with year four, five and six pupils to develop practical skills that will help keep them safe both in real life and online.
The school also recently installed a defibrillator on the grounds, which the community is free to use in any emergency situations.
Pupils learned to use the equipment during the safety week, giving them not only a potentially lifesaving skill, but making the new addition as accessible as possible if any emergency situation does arise.
Rebecca Nettleship, headteacher, said: “We have had a wonderful week in school linked to our overarching theme of ‘Keeping Safe’.
“The children found some useful information to support them with their cyber safety as well as learning the practical skills of first aid, including using a defibrillator.
“We are really pleased to now have a defibrillator at school that will be available to our community.”