AMERICAN rock band Hayseed Dixie will return to Barnsley after taking a few years off.

Known for their satirical-style music, they will be performing at the Birdwell Venue on Saturday as part of their latest UK tour.

Member of the band John Wheeler, said: “At this point, we’re more of a heritage act.

“We’re not releasing new singles to get radio hits, it’s not about that anymore.

“People think of us as a good night out and we want to give them that – it’s not about telling people who to vote for or what to believe, people can just come and blow off steam.”

After 23 years and 17 albums the band definitely made a name for themselves, and continue to explore their style, performing with a passion for the music they all so lovingly created.

John added: “We don’t get people leaving our shows disappointed anymore – people who like our style know what they’re getting into.

“I love doing my job, you don’t see a lot of musicians who get paid to perform and that’s not due to skill, a lot of time it’s luck.

“So I enjoy playing anywhere – unfortunately we don’t get lots of time to explore the cities we go to, it’s usually eat, perform, sleep and move on.”