A MAN who was caught with over a kilogram of cocaine in his car after being stopped for driving using his mobile phone has been jailed for six years.

Patrick Sweeney, 59, was stopped by officers on patrol in the Manvers Way area of Wath in November last year, after they witnessed him using his mobile phone behind the wheel.

They pulled Sweeney over and noticed there was a smell of suspected cannabis, so the vehicle was searched.

A large block of a white substance was found under the front passenger seat, as well as a joint and cash.

When Sweeney was searched, on his person he had a mobile phone and a larger amount of cash.

He was arrested and brought into custody.

The white substance was forensically tested and found to be cocaine, with an estimated street value of £40,000.

PC Darren Walker said: “Sweeney’s careless actions behind the wheel led to the seizure of a significant amount of class A drugs, which we know has a devastating impact on our communities.

“Drug supply and dealing wreaks havoc and is often tied to many other forms of criminality that cause harm.

“Sweeney has now been jailed for his crimes and dangerous drugs taken off the streets of Rotherham.

“Our work will continue to identify, target and disrupt those individuals who would seek to supply illegal substances in our town.”

Sweeney, of no fixed abode, appeared at Sheffield Crown Court on Friday where he was sentenced to six years in prison.

A collection order was also made under the Proceeds of Crime Act for over £40,000.

He pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply class A drugs at a hearing last year.