A MAPPLEWELL mum-of-three who was diagnosed with breast cancer last year has been nominated for a Proud of Barnsley award in the Triumph Over Adversity category after ‘braving the shave’ and donating her hair to a children’s charity.

Jemma Moore, 39, was diagnosed with grade three invasive ductal carcinoma with high grade ductal carcinoma in situ more commonly known as breast cancer in November.

She has since had her lump removed but was told she needed to undergo chemotherapy which could potentially result in hair loss her sessions began in February.

Jemma said that her diagnosis was ‘devastating’ and telling her children was an even worse ordeal.

“I lost my mum to cervical cancer when I was 22. So when I had to tell my kids who are only young it was hard because it was something they obviously associated with death.

“It was just devastating I started my first session on February 3 for 18 weeks and it’s knocked me for six.”

Jemma said she wanted to create someone else joy through her misery so she decided to shave her head and donate the hair to The Little Princess Trust a charity that provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment.

“I just thought to myself that I wanted to do something with my hair before I lose it,” she added.

Jemma set up a Just Giving page hoping to raise £100 for Breast Cancer Now, but she managed to completely smash that target, raising more than £2,000.

Speaking about her nomination, she said: “I am absolutely mind-blown I never in a million years thought I’d be nominated for a Proud of Barnsley award.

“I still don’t really feel like I’ve done anything worthy of a nomination but the fact someone thought of me and wanted to put me forward means so much and I am really grateful.

“I’m only 39 it’s no age I just hope my story encourages other women to check their breasts regularly because catching it early can be life-saving.

“It’s all about getting the word out there and trying to get people to check and know the signs.

“Even if it helps just one other woman, that’s all that matters. I just wanted to do something good out of a really awful and scary situation and that’s what I’ve done. But being nominated has really made me smile.”