VOLUNTEERS from a mental health charity handed out pick-me-ups at Barnsley Interchange on Tuesday.
Barnsley Samaritans took to the town centre’s streets in a bid to make more people aware about the services they offer and how they can support people before they reach crisis.
Volunteer Joanne Luhrs said: “So many people suffer with their mental health and a lot tend to suffer in silence, but that’s why we are here – to let people know that they aren’t alone and that we are here for anyone who needs us, 24/7, 365 days a year.
“We’re aiming to get ourselves out and around the town as often as we can – because we know it can make a real difference to someone who’s struggling and feels alone.”
Another volunteer, Donna Clegg, added: “Loneliness is a big thing – and sometimes feeling lonely can trigger a depressive episode or make things worse for someone.
“We just want people to make the most of our services – we are here for everyone, no matter what it is they are going through.
“We aren’t just here for when someone is in a crisis situation – we are here before they reach that point.”