A DJ from Athersley North has been entertaining his street during lockdown – with a disco in his front garden.
Dave Ambler, 40 of Athersley North, has been keeping his listeners entertained for the past two weeks through Facebook Live.
Mindful of adhering to lockdown restrictions, Dave has been taking requests through text messages, and his wife has been shouting people out over a microphone.
Dave said: “We’re just trying to fight the boredom, and with everyone feeling a little down at the minute, we wanted to raise everyone’s spirits.
“We’ve been doing this for two weekends now, and for the bank holiday as well.
“It’s been quite overwhelming the response that we’ve received so far, I can’t thank people enough.”
Dave isn’t a full-time DJ, as by day he works at Castle Buildings in Carlton, but he’s been performing music from a young age.
“When I was younger my mum paid for private tuition so I could play the piano, and my passion for music stemmed from there really,” he added.
“Music has always been a bit of a hobby of mine, and I’m just thankful that I’m able to make people smile doing what I love.”