MORE than 20 people got their hands dirty collecting rubbish and clearing an area of vegetation in Cudworth.

The 25 volunteers spent three days clearing ‘Gandhi Backs’, near Snydale Road and included volunteers from the police, Barnsley Community Build (BCB) and residents.

More than 60 bags of rubbish were filled and a wall was taken down by people on community payback in addition to the removal of vegetation.

Housing enforcement officer, Chris Platts, who organised the event said: “The clean up event went really well. There was quite a lot of fly tipping which wasn’t obvious so we cleared out a mattress, tyres and timber.

“It was a rewarding event and I want to thank everyone who volunteered their time. I hope the residents will take pride and maintain it. We received a lot of compliments about how the area looked so hopefully residents will keep it up.”