A FLY tipper has received a strong punishment after he was caught illegally dumping waste for the second time.

Liam Watkinson, of Stoneleigh Croft, Worsbrough Common, had been advertising waste clearance services on Facebook despite not carrying a licence.

Barnsley Council found waste evidence to prosecute the offence and his second offence of dumping waste illegally was caught on CCTV.

Two separate vehicles involved in the two cases have both been seized and crushed.

Watkinson pleaded guilty to two offences of fly tipping under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and received a 20 weeks custodial sentence, suspended for 18 months and fined £1,500.

He must also carry out 200 hours of unpaid work and was ordered to pay £100 in compensation.

Wendy Lowder, Executive Director for Communities, said: “In 2019 we’re committed to protecting our beautiful borough and stamping out fly tipping by making sure we continue to remove vehicles like this when involved in environmental crime.

"If you choose to carry rubbish illegally and spoil the environment, then you risk losing your vehicle permanently.

“As part of our #EverybodyThink campaign we will continue to work with the police and the public to tackle environmental crime. You can #ProtectIt by making sure you only giving your rubbish to someone with a valid waste carriers’ licence.

"If that person has no authority to carry waste, you can be held responsible and face court action.”