BERNESLAI Homes is working with children’s charity Barnardo’s to raise awareness about young carers and support available to them. A young carer is a child or young person under 18 who provides care for a family member who has a physical illness or disability, mental health difficulties, sensory or learning disability or has a problematic use of drugs or alcohol. To help encourage young carers to identify themselves representatives from the Barnsley Young Carer’s Council delivered a presentation at Horizon Community College to share their own experience of caring. During the presentation the young carers showed their designs for an information card which uses QR code technology to allow young people to access information and support from both Barnardo’s and Berneslai Homes. It also aims to encourage young people to come forward and identify themselves as young carers. Kate Hensby from Barnardo’s said: “There are a lot of young carers in Barnsley, many are unknown to the service and are unaware of the support available. Working with Berneslai Homes to develop the information card has given us the opportunity to raise awareness and potentially reach those young carers, providing them with the opportunity to access support and advice.” Dave Fullen, director of customer and estate services at Berneslai Homes, said: “Where we know a young carer lives in one of our properties we will be able to tailor our services to meet their needs. This will hopefully take a little bit of pressure off; making things easier for the young carer.” At the talk every student received a card to help encourage young carers to identify themselves and to receive help and support.