A DISABLED man who had money snatched out of his hands as he went to pay for an item has spoken of his relief after being told more CCTV cameras are set to be installed.

Mark Ravenhill, 34, of Spring Grove, Carlton, was shopping in Barnsley Market on January 28 to buy a bouquet of flowers for his wife, Lucy.

He reached into his bum bag and pulled out £10 to pay and as he did, a person walked past him and took the money out of his hand.

The incident left Mark feeling afraid to go into town, fearing he may be targeted again. The culprit has never been caught, however since the incident Mark said he has received a lot of support from the public.

He said: “People have contacted me offering to take me into town and chaperone me while I shop. One kind man did a collection and me and my wife received £120. I couldn’t believe the generosity and it really has restored my faith in humanity.

“The police came to visit me on Tuesday and informed me that more CCTV cameras are set to be installed in the town centre. Hearing this news has given me more confidence to return to the town centre on my own, and I hope the increased security measures will stop such an incident from happening again.”

Coun Jenny Platts, cabinet spokesman for communities, said: “No-one should have to experience an incident like Mr Ravenhill’s. We all want visitors to the Town Centre to feel safe and replacing the CCTV system is another step towards this goal.

"The new CCTV aims to provide the public with increased reassurance and also our Safer Barnsley teams with increased coverage, images and access to the data.”