FAMILIES across the borough have been celebrating pupils’ GCSE results.

The borough’s pupils have seen an improvement in results, with a higher percentage achieving grades 4 to 9 in both English and maths.

This year pupils across England have seen more of their qualifications awarded under the government's new 9-1 grading system.

The 9-1 grades were introduced for the first time last year in maths, English language and English literature, and this year they have been applied to results in 20 additional reformed subjects including history, geography, sciences and modern languages.

All subjects have been designed to be more difficult, and were mostly marked on final exams, rather than coursework.

The grading system offers greater stretch for candidates at the top end, with a 9 higher than the old A*.

Coun Tim Cheetham said: “This is the first year where the majority of the GCSE examinations were the new-style examinations with the courses having more content and the examinations being harder than before.

“The students have demonstrated great hard work and commitment, which has really paid off. I’d like to congratulate them and wish them well for the future."