JAKE Hallas had to tread a tough road to complete his half-marathon challenge for his rugby league team.
But complete it he has, despite having to postpone it due to a broken wrist and alter his training schedule to compensate for his injury.
Last Sunday, Jake, 12, with a little bit of help from family, friends and team mates, ran the half-marathon to raise funds for Dodworth Miners’ U12s rugby league team.
Dad Paul said: “Jake had originally intended to take on the challenge in February but after breaking his wrist he had to put it on hold for a while.
“We thought he wouldn’t be able to train for a bit but it didn’t stop him training constantly. He had to slow it down a little and rethink how he trained for a while.
“He was also out of action for his beloved rugby games for a while which was frustrating for Jake but he turned up every week to support his team in every game.
“And he still pushed all the barriers keeping himself fit so he could do the half-marathon.
“He’s spent months training in the gym and personal fitness sessions from Brad at On PAR Health Barnsley, and boxing three times a week too at Jonny’s Gym in Stairfoot.”
Jake had plenty of support for the start of Sunday’s challenge from dad Paul and his team mate Jackson.
Paul said: “My friend Adam, who helped Jake with his pace on Sunday, has been a big impact in Jake’s training as he takes Jake out on regular runs and is always there to give Jake advice.
“Adam made sure, along with others, that he was there for the 13.109 miles to support Jake in his challenge. Jake was met at Locke Park by team mates Stevie, Tom, Spencer and Patrick who did the mile round the park to keep up the support for Jake.
“Jake was met at Gilroyd by all his team mates Jackson, Stevey, William, Spencer, Tom, Dayton, Patrick and Rowan and they completed the last mile together as a team.”
Jake completed the half-marathon in one hour and 50 minutes.
Paul added: “It’s a massive achievement for Jake and his team mates raising funds for the team. Well done lads.You’ve done us all proud.”