A HEALTHY Homes drop-in event is taking Barnsley Market on Friday (March 8) as part of Barnsley Council’s work to support residents in making sure they live in a warm and safe home.
Several services from the council will be in attendance, including the Warm Homes, More Money In Your Pocket, Private Sector Housing, Adult Social Care and Employment and Skills teams. They'll be there to provide more information about the support available to residents on a range of topics.
Some key partners will also have a stall to offer advice to residents, including Berneslai Homes, DIAL, Age UK Barnsley, Healthwatch, Citizens Advice, the Green Doctors and South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue.
Councillor Robin Franklin, Cabinet spokesperson for Regeneration and Culture, said: "The drop-in event we hosted at the market as part of Healthy Homes Week in December last year was very well-attended and it was great to see so many residents engaging with the support services.
"Having considered the feedback we received on the day and from our Warm Homes drop-in events at our libraries that have been taking place throughout the autumn and winter, we've planned another event in the market and are also hopeful of hosting more later in the year."
For more information about the support available to make your home warmer and cheaper to run, go to barnsley.gov.uk/warmhomes or call the team on 01226 773366.