THE council has announced plans for a new pump track.
After the removal of the old skate park at the Dorothy Hyman Sports Centre, due to the redevelopment works, a proposal is in place to develop a new pump track that can be used by bikes, scooters, and skateboarders.
The pump track design will provide a range of terrains and features catering to different skill levels.
Once the pump track is installed at the site on Darfield Road in Cudworth, taster sessions will be available to anyone who wants to get involved and learn how to use the track.
This project will be funded from funding set aside from the removal of the Dorothy Hyman Sports Centre skate park.
The Pump Track will be of a similar scale to the old skate park at Dorothy Hyman and will be up and running for the school summer holidays. Additional improvements will be carried out during the autumn period including tree and bulb planting.
Coun. James Higginbottom, Cabinet Spokesperson for Environment and Highways said: “The new pump track presents a fantastic opportunity for residents to engage in regular physical activity, promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle.
“The pump track is more than just a facility; it's a symbol of our commitment to a healthier, happier, and more connected Barnsley.”