A NUMBER of Barnsley organisations joined together in a bid to tackle domestic abuse in the elderly community recently.

The conference was held at Barnsley College called ‘No Age Limit: The Hidden Face of Domestic Abuse’.

The conference focused on tackling domestic abuse in older households and improving how it is dealt with in Barnsley.

It was organised by Age UK Barnsley, the council, IDAS, South Yorkshire Police and the NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board.

The Safer Barnsley Partnership have been working alongside the organisations to offer more support to those who need it.

Age UK Barnsley chair of trustees Tricia Watters said: “We were pleased that the ‘No Age Limit: Hidden Face of Domestic Abuse’ conference brought together key partners, practitioners and organisations involved in tackling domestic abuse in older households to raise awareness around this vitally important issue and strengthen our local offer.

“We know from the work that we do in our communities that there is no age limit to domestic abuse.

“Older people are just as likely to suffer from violence, coercion and abuse in their later years, from a spouse or other family members.

“Many of these adults are reluctant to come forward and seek help and support as they don’t see images of themselves in the press.

“Our mission is to ensure that no older person has to live in fear of domestic abuse and violence.

“I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in organising this conference – in particular the fantastic local organisations who came along to share their knowledge and the team at Barnsley College who made us feel very welcome.”