A YOUNG Hunningley Primary Academy pupil is preparing to take part in a sponsored run in memory of two boys who tragically died in a car accident earlier this month.

Dorian Mlynski, 11, and his nine-year-old brother Alex had been living in Kendray and went to school there, where their mother Szandra works.

They were travelling to Poland to see family over the half-term period with their dad Piotr but a tragic incident on the road killed all three when they were just hours away from their destination.

Now eight-year-old Theo Pierrepont is set to take part in a two-mile sponsored run in their memory and all funds raised will go to the family.

His mum, Laura Jayne Allen, said: “He is doing it to help raise some money for his teaching assistant, Szandra.

“He was inspired by his school teacher who did a 14-mile run for the same reason last weekend.

“He came home from school last Friday asking if he could do a run and if people would sponsor him as well for her.”

To donate to the cause click here.