ALMOST half of adults have reported cutting back on their food shopping in Barnsley, a new study has revealed.
New research from Centre for Cities has found that the north are suffering the effects of the cost-of-living crisis disproportionately in comparison with the south.
It shows Barnsley is one of the worst-off areas in the UK, with inflation standing at 10.5 per cent.
Since January 2022, the inflation rate in Barnsley has risen by 4.7 per cent.
In that time, nominal wages have risen by a total of 5.3 per cent.
It means that workers living in Barnsley are on average £97 a month poorer than they were last year.
The average person now spends more than £14 extra on petrol a month, £9.44 more on groceries and £45.37 extra on their energy bills.
Stephanie Peacock, MP for Barnsley East, said the new stats are ‘incredibly worrying’.
She added: “Barnsley has seen a sharp increase in petrol and energy prices, whilst almost half of adults reported cutting back on food shopping.
“I often notice when driving around that petrol prices are higher in Barnsley than in other parts of the country.
“With over 20,000 homes considered fuel poor in Barnsley and foodbanks seeing an almost unmanageable rise in usage, this is incredibly worrying.”