STEPHANIE Peacock, MP for Barnsley East, has backed calls for increased funding for sixth form education as part of the ‘raise the rate’ campaign.

The campaign is pushing for an increase in the national funding rate for 16 to 18-year-olds.

Research suggests that a rise of at least £760 per student, per year, was the minimum level required to adequately increase student support services, protect subjects at risk of being dropped, and increase non-qualification time to be spent on extra-curricular activities like work experience.

Despite rising costs, and increasingly complex student demands placed on sixth forms and schools, funding for 16-18 education has been cut since 2010.

Calls for increases to 16-18 funding have also been echoed by the cross-party Parliamentary Education Select Committee, Social Mobility Commission, and Ofsted chief inspector.

Backing the campaign, Stephanie said: “Like so many other of the services people across Barnsley depend on, post-16 education has suffered at the hands of a near decade of austerity under the Tories.

“A boost in funding is desperately required to give colleges and sixth forms the resources they need to give young people in the Barnsley the best education and chance of success.”