A GROUP set up in memory of a man who took his own life is hosting a fund-raising event.

The Liam Jones Legacy group will be holding the event to raise money towards continuing the services they provide via their Facebook page, which encourages people to be open about their mental health in addition to providing information on local services people can contact.

The group was set up in memory of Grimethorpe man Liam who took his own life at the age of 24 in May 2018.

Liam’s girlfriend Quinn Atherton and her friend Laura Copeland founded the group and it centres on a Facebook page that provides help and advice on mental health.

The group also has a messenger service available 24 hours a day for people to contact who need to talk.

Laura said: “We are holding this event for two reasons. The first is so we can keep producing merchandise and promote ourselves so people know we are there and secondly we also actively help other charities such as Mind, Samaritans and Andy’s Man Club which are all actively helping men talk about their mental health.

“We want to continue to do what we do and break the stigma surrounding mental health.”

The event will be held at the Star in Cudworth on July 28 from 3pm onwards.