A MEMORY walk to remember the ‘kind’ and ‘happy-go-lucky’ boy who died at a scout camp will take place next week to raise funds for two different charities.

Joshua Barton, ten, suffered a fatal asthma attack at Hesley Wood Scout Activity Centre in July last year when he was walking to the camp’s closing ceremony, and now a memory walk will take place to honour his life.

A website was set up as a tribute to Josh where people can reminisce about the memories they share with him, ‘light a candle’ in his memory, or make a donation to Asthma UK and NSPCC.

Asthma UK’s aim is to stop fatal asthma attacks and has a team that is currently working to find a cure for the disease, and the NSPCC is working to protect children and prevent abuse. So far more than £20,000 has been raised for the two charities in Josh’s memory.

On Sunday June 30 at Rabbit Ings Country Park in Royston, to mark the first anniversary of Josh’s death, family and friends will come together to walk the perimeter of the park.

Starting at 1pm, everyone will meet to share stories and memories about Josh. Barnsley Rock Choir will be performing at the start of the event and a hazel tree will be planted at the end to conclude the walk.

“We’ve done numerous events over the year, from myself, colleagues, family and friends,” explains Josh’s step-dad, Andrew Hughes, from Royston.

“People have taken part in treks to the Himalayas, skydives and fundraisers all building up to the walk in memory of Josh.

“There were a lot of children in his class and in his scout group that wanted somewhere to come and pay their respects and to remember him. There’s been loads of events over the year and this is the one event to pull everyone together.

“The amount we’ve raised so far is just short of £21,000 and we’ve got a skydive on the Saturday prior to the walk on the Sunday. It’s a day to come and remember Josh and to bring everyone together to celebrate his life and all of the good things about him.

"We want everyone to remember the happy go lucky boy he was, he had so many friends and he was a kind, sharing little boy who loved life.”

The community walk is open for everyone to attend to remember Josh and to raise funds for Asthma UK and the NSPCC.

There will also be a refreshments van and activities available taking place on the day. Visit Josh’s tribute website - www.joshua-barton.muchloved.com