PERMISSION is being sought to transform a seven-bedroom house into a new children’s home in Gawber.

Mill House, on Redbrook Road, is a large residence and plans submitted to the council show its first floor will be re-designed to create six children’s bedrooms and two for staff.

A change of use for the building is being pursued by applicant Jill Merrill, of Compass Children’s Homes Ltd, which could see it being changed from a dwelling into a residential institution for seven to 18-year-olds.

The ground floor has ample space for communal areas, a planning statement said, while a swimming pool will make way in order for a new floor to be inserted.

The statement added: “The number of staff will be in the region of 17, generally spread across shifts, depending on the nature of the work.

“We firmly believe that the proposed use as a children’s home would be appropriate for the building itself, and its location and surroundings.

“The re-planned building will contain all necessary facilities for the children to live in a ‘home’ environment but with staff, including an Ofsted-registered manager.

“Overnight, two sleep-in staff will be present in the building.”