LAST month the Barnsley Chronicle launched the return of the Young Champions awards, a campaign launched to showcase young people of Barnsley and celebrate their achievements.

Our inaugural Young Champions Awards last year culminated with a highly memorable ceremony at the Holiday Inn at Dodworth.

Those in attendance were able to watch, listen and recognise the wonderful things these rising stars have accomplished. We have received several nominations for this year’s Young Champions.

We’ve had parents nominating their children for their fundraising efforts, coaches nominating young people for their sporting achievements and young carers who are going above and beyond for their family members are also being recognised.

We’re keen to hear the about the amazing achievements accomplished by young superstars. If you know anyone who has a special story to tell in the following categories, we’d love to hear from you.

■ Young Fundraiser

■ Young Carer

■ Young Sportsperson

■ Student of the Year

■ Volunteer

■ Young Conqueror

■ Young Community Hero

■ Young Musician

■ Adventurer

■ Young Entrepreneur

■ Special Achievement

■ Young Sports Team

■ Young Community Team

■ Young Entertainment Team

If you know a Young Champion up to the age of 21 who was gone above and beyond in any of these categories, email your nomination to, complete the form on the Barnsley Chronicle website or pick up a copy of the form at our offices at 47 Church Street.