A TEMPORARY bridge over Jumble Lane level crossing has been installed and is due to open imminently allowing the level crossing to close for good.

The temporary bridge will be in place for up to 18 months until the new permanent Market Gate Bridge is installed. Network Rail is part funding the bridge because the crossing is deemed among the most dangerous in the country.

But one of the conditions of the Network Rail funding was that the crossing had to close by this month, and it wasn’t possible to complete the permanent bridge in time.

A temporary bridge therefore had to be put in place to allow pedestrians over the line while the new permanent bridge is constructed.

Coun Roy Miller welcomed the move this week, saying it was important to appreciate the bridge is a temporary solution and necessary to allow the longer term works which will be a ‘major improvement’ to the town centre to go ahead.

Although the permanent bridge will be wheelchair and pushchair accessible, the temporary one isn’t, so those with mobility needs will have to use the alternative accessible route via the lifts and pedestrian bridge within Barnsley Interchange.

The interchange doors are closed between midnight and 5am so anyone requiring access to the lifts during these times will be able to contact the interchange’s control room on 213303 to allow staff from the building to meet and escort them through the interchange building.