A SHOPPING centre will be hosting a series of Easter events to raise money for a Children's Hospice.

The Alhambra shopping centre, New Street, are inviting youngsters to turn out in bunny guise to raise funds for Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.

The event will take place on April 20 (Easter Saturday) and will include a treasure hunt and free face-paint or trendy glitter tattoo.

Bluebell Wood’s Bunny Hop is in its first year and children from across four counties take part. Entrants pay £3 for a pair of bunny ears and from 11am to 3.30pm can follow a trail of clues displayed on shop windows to win an Easter treat.

The Alhambra Centre’s involvement in the Bunny Hop marks its renewed commitment to the hospice - the centre has chosen Bluebell Wood as its Charity of the Year for the second year running.

Its supports includes end of life care, short breaks, music therapy, counselling, sibling support and home visits.

The Cusworth family of Barnsley were recently supported by the hospice after losing nine-year-old Mia to hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), a rare condition where the body reacts aggressively to an infection.

She was diagnosed in August 2018 and died eight days later. Her mum, Dawn, said the hospice gave them important time together after her death. “When Mia first started feeling poorly we thought it was just a virus, but she kept getting worse.

She wasn’t eating or drinking, and spent most of her time asleep,” said Dawn.

“She was taken to hospital, where they found out she had HLH. Over the next week it attacked her liver, kidneys and lungs. After Mia passed away, we decided to come to Bluebell Wood.

“Staying at the hospice was so important for our family. They offered us time to come to terms with losing Mia, without having to think about all the big decisions we needed to make straight away.” J

ohn Tarrant, Alhambra Centre Manager, said: “We are in the heart of Barnsley and are always looking for ways to give back to the community. We work with a charity every year and after raising over £8,800 for Bluebell Wood throughout 2018 and building up a great partnership, we wanted to continue for another 12 months. We enjoy working with a cause we feel passionate & strongly about.”