POLICE are keen to speak to children who were part of a Pedal Cycle on Saturday afternoon.

Around 30 children and youths were reported to have caused mayhem around Barnsley Town Centre on Saturday afternoon between 12pm and 5pm.

The youths are reported to have caused public order incidents, causing danger to road users by riding in groups head on into oncoming vehicles and riding into members of the public on pedestrianised zones and pavements including elderly and children.

Police arrested one male and another two males were taken home, in addition to several youths being issued with PSPO’s and an exclusions from town for 48 hours.

Police are keen to identify and speak to the other youths who participated in the Pedal Cycle.

In a statement released on Facebook, the Barnsley West NHP said: “Anti - Social Behaviour will not be tolerated. This isn’t the end of it the follow up is now the viewing of CCTV has now started to identify others in the group, home visits by police officers, tenancy action through housing management for youths involved and youth referrals to the Youth Offending team.”

Any parents whose child was involved are encouraged to contact PCSO 8147 PEACOCK on email Robert.Peacock@southyorks.pnn.police.uk with a contact phone number.