AN EVENING celebrating life, love and hope will take place at Barnsley Hospital next week.

The Lan-Tarn Fest will be held on Thursday November 8 at the front of Barnsley Hospital from 2pm until 7pm.

The winter event celebrates love, life and hope for people in and around Barnsley.

The Lan-Tarn Fest will be paired with another very special event, the opening of the new Neo Natal Unit.

On the day you will be able to lay a lan-tarn as a dedication to a loved one you have lost, in celebration of recovery or successful treatment, you may even simply wish to decorate a lan-tarn as a symbol of hope or to make a special wish.

Tours around the new unit will also be available throughout the day.

Lantern packages are available to purchase before the event and for those who would like to dedicate a lantern visit