A YOUNG girl is chopping inches off her hair to raise money for charity.

Jess Hempshall, 20, of Oak road has been raising money for charity since 2013 and has even put pen to paper and wrote a book to help raise funds for charity.

On October 13, she plans to chop 12 inches of her hair in memory of Aalish Naylor, a young girl from Barnsley who died of Cancer on June 10 this year aged eight.

Her mum Joanne is raising funds to start Aalish’s ‘RidetheTheme’ Dream. Their aim is to work alongside the Children’s Hospital Oncology Departments and help families with children with Neuroblastoma and send them on an all expenses trip to a Theme Park of their choice.

Jess said: “I met her at the Barnsley Young Champions awards back in April (as I’d been shortlisted for a Young Fundraiser award), we were sat on the same table as her and her family.

"She was so brave and so wonderful. I have stayed in touch with the family and I will be donating my hair at the family’s first fundraising event, and will continue to support them as much as possible.”

To donate to the cause visit https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/joanne-naylor