CHILDREN from Cudworth Churchfield Primary School were absolutely buzzing when they saw the new bus advertising for Barnsley Council’s schools campaign.

Jorja Sykes, 9, Jake Wright, 9 and Summer Etherington, 4, visited Stagecoach to see the advert in place on one of 20 buses which have been decked out with the eye-catching design.

The Barnsley Schools Alliance Board and the council’s Education Welfare Service want parents, carers and children to know how important being at school is and that being at school on time is also essential for good learning.

The adverts include the two bee characters used on the new starter leaflets schools give out to families of children who start school for the first time in September – Be There and Be on Time.

They reinforce the importance of school attendance and punctuality, even for Barnsley’s youngest learners.

Coun Tim Cheetham said: "Good attendance and punctuality are linked to attainment and it’s our ambition that every Barnsley child achieves their potential. Forming good habits will set them up for life.

“I hope that seeing the adverts on buses across the borough will remind parents and children of the importance of making a beeline to school.”