RESIDENTS in Tankersley and Pilley are being encouraged to submit their views on the area’s new neighbourhood plan.

The neighbourhood plan team formed last year, with the aim of reaching out of the community to ensure they have a say on how the area develops over the next ten to 15 years.

A survey has been created for residents to complete, with a closing date of May 21.

John Thornton, who has been a part of the team, said: “During this time the team have consulted with the community to determine their aspirations and concerns, following which a questionnaire has now been produced and posted to every house in the community together with a booklet.

“In addition, you can also complete the questionnaire by logging onto the Tankersley Parish Council website and follow the neighbourhood plan link.

“We would encourage all the community to complete the questionnaire and have a say in how their community develops.

“Key themes that have arisen during discussions with the community are improving existing facilities, provision of new facilities, transport and traffic concerns, together with potential further housing developments.

“The neighbourhood plan team have worked hard to get to this stage and would now encourage the Pilley and Tankersley community to complete the questionnaire.”