MEMBERS of the Barnsley Palestine Solidarity Campaign headed to Sheffield to support protesting students.

Youngsters at the University of Sheffield want the higher education hub’s bosses to disclose what investments in Israel are and divest from them, saying they will continue their occupation camp until the university takes action.

They point out that there is still no ceasefire in Gaza and across Palestine and that more than 34,000 Palestinians – two-thirds women and children – have now died as a result of Israeli bombing.

Barnsley representatives joined a march and rally of around 200 people earlier this month.

Tony Nuttall, of Barnsley Palestine Solidarity Campaign, said: “Barnsley has shown great support for peace and justice in Palestine.

“Our latest fundraiser on April 27 raised another £2,000 for medical aid and we have now raised nearly £7,000 in total.

“But the destruction of Palestine and its people, started more than 75 years ago, continues.

“We will be holding another protest in Barnsley tomorrow, from noon on May Day Green in the middle of town, and we urge anyone who wants to see this agony stop to come and join us.”