A BARNSLEY charity has thanked Denby Dale Lions for its latest donation.
The Lions Club has gifted £500 to Barnsley Hospital Charity for its Make A Memory Appeal.
A charity spokesman said: “It was an absolute pleasure to meet some of the members from Denby Dale District Lions and hear about all their exciting work and events that they do.
“The Lions’ motto is “We Serve” which we couldn’t agree with more. The Lions have supported us for a number of years and have a lot of support from their communities. A huge thank you to all 35 members at Denby Dale District for your generosity and donation of £500 to our Make A Memory Appeal supporting our older patients and those living with dementia.
Lions Clubs international is a charitable organisation acting as an umbrella for over 45,000 clubs worldwide, in 130+ countries and comprising around 1.3 million members. Each club is able to support both local and international projects, and undertake their own fundraising and decision making.