STUDENTS visited Barnsley Hospital recently to do a bit of 'pampering' by giving patients haircuts and manicures.
Some of the patients had not had their hair professionally cut and styled for years and they enjoyed chatting with staff and students too.
The ‘patient pampering’ idea came about after a suggestion from Sarah Eaden, Lead Nurse on the frailty ward, who passed on her idea to Patient and Carer Experience Lead, Jane Connaughton.
Jane said: “It’s been great all round. It boosts the morale of patients and staff. Days in hospital can be long and sometimes patients become quite isolated.”
One lady seen by the Barnsley College Hair and Beauty department students had been in hospital for a month.
Sarah added: “We don’t have officially funded activity co-ordinators in the hospital so it’s amazing for the students to volunteer their time to do this.”
Level 2 Hairdressing student, Rihanna Woolfenden, said: “Today made me think that even the tiniest action can make a big difference to people.”
The students were accompanied by their Programme Manager, Julie Allen; Hair and Beauty Teacher, Alison Taylor; and Tutorial Team Leader, Laura Gray.
Alison said: “It’s a good experience for the students, especially in terms of improving their communication skills but they also learn that beauty is not all about looking after young people’s skin or hair.”