A MEMORIAL stone celebrating the life of a police officer who was shot whilst on duty has been unveiled.

PC John Kew died after being shot by Frederick Backhouse - one half of the notorious ‘Backhouse Brothers’ who lived on PC Kew’s patch in Swinton.

The brothers had reportedly been threatening people in the local area with a revolver and PC Kew went to their house to search them.

He was shot on July 10 in 1900 and died a day later from his injuries, aged 29.

PC Kew was the last officer murdered on duty in South Yorkshire, and earlier this week a memorial stone on Kew Court was unveiled.

Assistant Chief Constable David Hartley, who gave a speech before the unveiling on Tuesday, said: “It is a privilege and an honour to represent South Yorkshire Police at this unveiling ceremony and to place a floral tribute in memory of John Kew.

“PC Kew’s life was tragically cut short after he was killed in the line of duty.

“This memorial stone serves as a constant reminder of his sacrifice and it will allow us to remember and commemorate his courage as a serving police officer in protecting the people of this county.

“His bravery and service will never be forgotten.”