BARNSLEY College’s charity golf day raised a total of £700 for Barnsley Hospice last month.

The event, held at Wortley Golf Club, saw businesses from across the town – including the football club and the Chronicle – raise funds for the hospice.

The £700 raised on the day through sponsorship and raffles brings the total raised for the hospice by Barnsley College to £18,000.

Helen Weatherston, director of business development at the college, said, “I’d like to thank everyone who generously donated towards this initiative.

“It is heart-warming to witness the Barnsley community coming together to support such a worthy and compassionate cause.”

Vicky Stead, community relationships manager at the hospice, added: “We’re so thankful to Barnsley College for supporting us once again with their second annual golf day.

“The college has been a wonderful supporter of Barnsley Hospice for many years and has raised over £18,000 for us in total.

“As a charity, we need to raise £3.5m every year to continue our services.

“Fundraisers like the golf day make a huge difference to the support and care we can provide to those in the local area.

“Thank you once again to Barnsley College, and we hope all those taking part had an amazing day.”