LISA Hammond’s energy, enthusiasm and experience when engaging with community groups and volunteers enables great things to happen in the community in which she works.

And the Tesco community champion wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I really do have one of the best jobs in the world. We have raised tens of thousands of pounds over the years and it is a real privilege to do what I do,” said Lisa.

Lisa’s job for the last eight years has been to support local causes and community groups but the 42-year-old mum-of-three goes above and beyond what her role demands.

Lisa, who lives in Stairfoot, regularly gives up her free time to support initiatives and Darfield councillor Kevin Osborne has nominated her for a Proud of Barnsley award.

“It is more than a job to me. In 2017, I helped launch Friends of Stairfoot which holds events and litter picks. I always want to help where I can and I am proud of what I do and to give my time to help my community. My children have been involved over the years with fundraising and have gone out on litter picks.

“It’s also a lot of fun we have done everything over the years to raise money from dancing at the front of the store to skydives. We’re so lucky to have brilliant customers who are on board with whatever we are doing.

“We hold regular food drives the next one being on Saturday and the food bins full of donated food are overflowing every time.

“I have been in tears many times because of people’s generosity and people’s stories. There really are so many people and it’s mind-blowing how many good things there are going on in Barnsley.”

Coun Osborne said: “My nomination wishes to focus on the fact that she clearly goes above and beyond her job description when arranging support for the local area. I am advised that she gives up her free time on occasions to support initiatives.

“Lisa delivers Tesco’s core community programmes, which ranges from donating surplus food to those in need through supporting local projects with our community grant scheme. However, it is the work of Lisa that really bring these schemes to life.

“I’d like to draw particular attention to two aspects of her work in our borough; firstly the support given to foodbanks across the patch, organising food donations often above that set by Tesco.

“Secondly her energy, enthusiasm and experience when engaging with community groups and volunteers, often in her own time enables great things to happen.”

Lisa said: “I pride myself on committing my time to help and I was blown away when I heard that Kevin had taken the time to nominate me.”