MORE than 90 per cent of all the parking tickets handed out across the South Area Council ward were in Wombwell, new figures have revealed.
Statistics, which were revealed at a council meeting, show that 178 of the 196 parking charge notices (PCNs) handed out across the area were given to residents in Wombwell over a three-month period.
Only eight were handed out in Hoyland, nine in Darfield and one in Birdwell.
Over the same period, almost 300 people drove away just as the officer was about to issue a ticket.
A number of schools were also targeted in the approach to ensure parents and carers were parking legally and considerately at peak times.
Coun James Higginbottom, who represents Wombwell and is the spokesperson for environment and highways, said: “Illegal and nuisance parking, especially on the High Street and around our local schools, is a major issue that residents raise with local councillors on a regular basis.
“Barnsley Council is taking action against illegal parking.
“We have ample free parking in Wombwell that drivers can use and I would strongly encourage them to use it.”