A ‘FREAK’ accident which took place on a local football pitch last weekend has led to a fundraising page being created.
Brett Taylor, 27, from Athersley, a member of the West Bretton team, was playing against Worsbrough Common on Sunday when a player of the opposing team fell on his ankle which led to it being broken, fractured in three places and dislocated.
Brett’s brother, Elliott, 23, also from Athersley, set up the fundraiser on Tuesday, hoping to raise £1,000 to help towards the cost of the upcoming months.
Elliott said: “As soon as we heard the snap, we knew it was bad – he was in excruciating pain.
“An ambulance arrived for him and he was rushed to hospital where he had an X-ray – that’s when we found out his ankle was fractured and dislocated.
“He’s back at home now and in good spirits – but he’s going to be off work for a long time so I just thought setting up this would help out a bit and hopefully we’ll reach that goal.”
You can donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/brett-taylor?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cf%20share-flow-1&fbclid=IwAR3z4lx1gVMJ6zTpAh4OcBTk8yek0SS8Xo3y88YxaCTuEKy1H0wVWUaW_98