A VETERAN is hunting to find the relatives of a man who died on active service in Cyprus in the 1950s.

Les Smith has been searching for relatives of veterans who died while serving in the R.E.M.E on active service in Cyprus during the 1955 to 1959 emergency.

He’s now turned his attention to Barnsley, where he hopes to find family members of Fred Hobson – who has links to the town – after he died on June 30, 1959.

Les said: “The reason for my search is to tell Fred’s relatives that as he died while on active service his next of kin are entitled to receive the Elizabeth Cross.

“I would supply all details required to apply, the only cost involved in receiving the Elizabeth Cross is that of a postage stamp to send the application to the medal office.

“If you can help, or you served in Cyprus during the 1955 to 1959 Cyprus Emergency, please email me at cyprusveterans@gmail.com.”