A JOINT operation between officers and Stagecoach was held to tackle ongoing issues relating to antisocial behaviour in the North East Ward.
The operation was held by the Barnsley North East Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) and the bus company on Friday evening after 'numerous' reports of youths causing a nuisance to bus services.
A spokesperson for Barnsley North East NPT said: "We have received numerous reports relating to groups of youths causing a nuisance to bus services, and these have involved both damage to buses and a number of bus stops across the ward.
"This has resulted in bus services being suspended and diverted, which has had a massive ongoing impact on the local community.
"By conducting patrols with Stagecoach and Barnsley Council we have been able to identify the hot spots for this antisocial behaviour and some of those involved.
"Alongside this, officers have also conducted high visibility patrols across our parks in the area, as can be seen marked on the attached map.
"Finally, whilst out and about, our beady eyed officers have spotted a vehicle with no insurance, with the driver being reported for the offence.
"We will continue to work with out partners to identify those involved in antisocial behaviour and to reduce the impact on our community.
"If you wish to provide any details of antisocial behaviour in your area, please get in contact through the official South Yorkshire Police channels."