NEW COVID-19 guidance was issued on Thursday as restrictions were eased across the country.

There is now no longer a legal requirement to wear a face covering when out and about, though Barnsley Council are encouraging residents to still wear a covering whilst in crowded and indoor spaces.

Venues and events - such as nightclubs - are not required by law to check visitors’ NHS Covid passes - but some venues still may choose to run the scheme voluntarily.

Council bosses have issued a number of ways to help reduce the spread of the virus despite restrictions easing.

These include:

  • Getting fully vaccinated and boosted.
  • Regularly washing your hands.
  • Keeping a safe distance from others.
  • Getting tested and self-isolating if you have symptoms or test positive for the virus.
  • Taking a rapid lateral flow test if it is expected there will be a period of high risk that day - such as spending time in crowded and indoor spaces.