ADULT social care providers across the borough will receive a pay rise after the industry was badly hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Anyone who provides residential care or community-based support such as home care and supported living for the Local Authority is eligible for the raise.
The raise was agreed by Barnsley Council in collaboration with Barnsley CCG and the Barnsley Independent Care Home Association (BICHP).
Care workers will receive a £1 per hour increase which equates to almost £2,000 annually (based on a 40-hour working week).
Coun Jenny Platts, cabinet spokesperson for adults and communities, said: “It is key that we look and consider fee uplift for provision within adult social care.
“We are pleased that we have been able to work with the sector to deliver £1 above the national living wage for carers in Barnsley; their roles are invaluable, and they offer an essential service within our borough.
“The pandemic has been a difficult time for the sector, but we must look forward and support the sector to deliver the best care and support for our residents, helping residents in Barnsley to live well.”