YESTERDAY the government announced that a potential vaccine against coronavirus had been created, with plans to roll it out across the country to help fight the virus.

The vaccine has been developed by pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer and BioNTech and early tests show that it could be up-to 90 per cent effective against the virus.

The companies hope to release the vaccine by the end of this month for a limited number of people.

If successful, older care home residents, medical and social care workers, and residents over the age of 80 could be first in line to receive the vaccine.

The medicine is a new type of vaccine which uses a tiny fragment of the virus' genetic code which will help the body to attack the Covid-19 virus.

It will be given in two doses, three weeks apart, and early information suggests that the government has purchased almost 40 million doses.

However, scientists do not know if the vaccine will provide lasting protection against the virus.

If not, then it may be necessary to have annual jabs, like many people do each winter for the flu.

Despite news of the vaccine, it is expected that measures such as social distancing and wearing face coverings will be expected to continue.