BARNSLEY College has announced that students will move to online learning from Monday.
Following the coronavirus outbreak, all Barnsley College campuses will close, with the exception of Barnsley Sixth Form College which will remain open fro 8.30am to 5pm.
In a statement issued by the college, it said: “As a college, the health and wellbeing of our students, our staff and our partners is always our top priority. We are closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation as it unfolds and are continuing to adapt, following the guidance issued by the government and health authorities to help keep everyone as safe as possible. Our thoughts go out to anyone who has been personally impacted, and we hope that you and your families are safe and well.
“Students aged 14 to 16 on the Direct Entry (Park Road) and Skills Academy (schools links), should attend Barnsley Sixth Form college on Monday to be given information from their teachers/assessors to enable them to access support, resources and continue learning online.
“The sixth form will also be open to students who need to access college resources or have any questions.
“We are currently liaising with examination boards and awarding bodies, regarding exams and assessments due to be undertaken this summer. We will communicate information as soon as we receive it. We understand that this is a very anxious time for many students and we will do everything within our power to ensure this anxiety is a short-lived as possible. Students who are due to take internal, college assessments should communicate, via our online facilities, with their teachers and course leaders.
“For any students applying to start Barnsley College in September, we would like to reassure students, parents and carers that whilst we will not be delivering interviews during this period, everyone will receive a conditional offer and there will be a place for you.
“We will be having our Easter holiday and students will not be expected to undertake work during the period April 6 to 21.
“We appreciate that this decision may cause uncertainty and inconvenience. However, the personal safety of students and staff, and of those closest to them, is of utmost importance. Our website and social media channels will be kept-to-date with the latest information.”