MORE than 200 people celebrated five years of a tea party which aims to target loneliness in the wider community.

The SuperJam Tea Party is a monthly event held at the Holiday Inn in Dodworth which brings together people who are vulnerable and lonely, giving them the opportunity to connect and find friendship.

The fifth anniversary event was attended by more than 220 people, including Gordon and Jean Leadbeater, the parents of murdered MP Jo Cox, who were special guests.

Another was Derek Housley, assistant district governor of Rotary 1040.

“Kathy Markwick and Anne Kelly (Barnsley Rotary Club members) have been supporting the vulnerable and lonely in our community, where there has been great need,” said Derek.

Kathy Markwick added: “We are all incredibly proud of what we have achieved. The event, however, would simply not be as successful as it is without the massive support we receive from our principal sponsors, Holiday Inn Barnsley, Fraser Doherty MBE/founder of SuperJam and Wayne Padgett, MD of Haywood and Padgett’s Bakery. “We are all extremely grateful for their support, and we would also like to thank MKB Solicitors for sponsoring the posters and all our volunteers from XPO Logistics, Inner Wheel and the Rotary Clubs of Barnsley.”

Kathy is appealing for more men to join the SuperJam events as most of the current attendees are women.

The next Superjam Tea Party is at the Holday Inn, Dodworth on Tuesday September 17.

Tickets must be booked in advance by calling Kathy on 0114 283 082 or 0772 952 8844. Aternatively, email