A SUSPECTED rat infestation in Wath town centre has led to an investigation by environmental health officers.

Footage has been shared on social media this week of large numbers of rats in the streets around the village’s library and bus station.

Coun Alan Atkin said that while reports of rats in that area had been made in the past, there would have to be an investigation into the reason for the sudden surge of activity in recent weeks.

“We think it has a lot to do with the mild winter we’ve had,” said Coun Atkin.

“We’ve always had rats down there, but it seems like there are a few more than normal.

“Every time it gets reported the number goes up.”

Coun Atkin confirmed that environmental health officers were investigating, and added the situation should be improved when the recycling centre in the Biscay Way car park – a site of regular problems with fly-tipping and build-ups of waste – is removed next week.

“Since we brought the new bin system into Wath, people should be able to recycle through their own domestic waste set-up,” he said.

“The household waste sites will still be there, but those recycling bins are more trouble than they’re worth, they’re abused by traders and people dumping large amounts of rubbish.

“It’s a shame but it’ll take that temptation away.”