A LONG-STANDING councillor has urged men to get checked out having revealed his own battle against prostate cancer.

Coun Charlie Wraith, who has served on Barnsley Council since 1974, represents the Cudworth ward and was recently diagnosed with the illness.

However, tests last week revealed the cancer had not spread and Coun Wraith - who was made an MBE in 2013 for public services - said he had no symptoms that something was wrong.

He survived bowel cancer a decade ago, an illness which claimed his wife Marilyn’s life in 2016, and as a result now has bi-monthly blood tests - something which he says saved his life this time round.

“It was those blood tests that picked up something abnormal - without them I’d never have known,” said Coun Wraith.

“I had no symptoms and continue to feel absolutely normal, hence why I want this to inspire other men to get checked out.

“The emphasis has to be put on them to get tested as it creeps up without warning. Further tests are uncomfortable, not painful, but it’s so important to get checked.”

Coun Wraith, 76, was given two options for treatment to either cut the cancer out or receive radiotherapy - the most likely option - at Weston Park in Sheffield.

“I was 65 when I was diagnosed with bowel cancer and it mirrors that as it happened at the same time of year,” he added.

“They got me straight in then, and luckily the cancer has not spread this time.”