CHILDREN will be able to help themselves to free fruit whilst shopping at a supermarket.

Morrisions have made the move to prevent unsold fruit being thrown away, offer young people one of their five-a-day and help make the shopping trip easier for busy parents.

The Free Fruit for Kids scheme will mean that this fruit - which is ripe, sweet and of good eating quality - does not go to waste.

Every week Morrisons expects to give away 40,000 pieces of fruit that is within its ‘sell by’ window but is at risk of not being sold. The company is giving up the opportunity to sell this fruit.

Bananas, apples, pears, sweet clementines and satsumas are just some of the fruits that will be available in the store’s entrance.

The fruit will be located on a wooden stand at the front of Morrisons greengrocery area.

Every morning Morrisons Barnsley’s greengrocers will replenish the free fruit stand with produce that otherwise has a chance of being binned.

Dave Emery Store Manager at Morrisons Barnsley said: “Sometimes our store is left with unsold fruit and customers would prefer us to find a use for it.

"So we’re putting out fruit - that’s at risk of not being sold - for children to help themselves. It’s healthy for them, reduces food waste in our store and will help make shopping easier for parents.”