BARNSLEY Council’s ruling cabinet members will discuss the best ways to get residents into work at a meeting in July.
The Pathways to Work commission aims to pave the way for solutions to the barriers that people face when trying to get into work.
A council spokesperson said: “Barnsley residents are 12 per cent more likely to be economically inactive than the national average. This is different to unemployment.
“It means that people aren’t taking part in the labour market for a number of reasons. It’s often linked to barriers like ill-health or caring responsibilities. Inclusive economic growth benefits people, families, and communities.
“However, not everyone can access these. Data tells us that there are thousands of Barnsley residents who want to work but are currently unable to.”
Over the last 12 months, a number of professionals have been working to find out how to pass through the barriers people face, and cabinet members will discuss the recommendations on July 24.